
OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Fri: 8am – 5pm

Expert Swimming Pool Leak Detection 
and Swimming Pool Repair
for the 
Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex 

Questions About Your Swimming Pool Leak

Answers to the following questions can help us diagnose your swimming pool leak...

  • How long has your pool been leaking?
  • How much water does your pool lose in a 24-hour period?
  • Does your pool lose more water when the pump is running?
  • Does the water in your pool “level off” at some point?

Please note: In order for us to perform a complete and accurate leak detection, a pool should be clean and full. View our Don't Hire Us...Yet photos to see some pools that needed attention before an accurate leak detection could be performed.  

The Swimming Pool Bucket Test

Wondering if your swimming pool even has a leak?

Some water loss is expected and normal.  Evaporation, wind and splashing can cause up to 1/4" to 1/2" loss of water per day in the summer and 1/8" to 1/4" per day in the winter.

You can perform a simple test called the "Bucket Test" to help determine if your pool has a leak.


  • Bring the water in the pool to a normal operating level.
  • Fill a bucket (5 gallon recommended) with pool water to within about 1 inch of the top.
  • Place the bucket on the top pool step.
  • Mark the level of the water on the INSIDE of the bucket (with tape, a sharpie pen, etc.).
  • Turn the pool pump (and any autofill) off.
  • Mark the level of the water on the OUTSIDE of the bucket (with tape, a sharpie pen, etc.).
  • Turn the pool pump back on. (Leave the autofill off until the test is complete.)
Swimming Pool Bucket Test
** Do not use the pool for 24 hours **
  • After 24 hours, compare the two water levels: has the water in the pool gone down more than the water in the bucket?
  • Yes - your pool probably has a leak.
  • No  - your pool probably does not have a leak; water loss is due to normal pool conditions/activities.
Still have questions?  Contact us! 

Leak Professionals is Ready to Serve You!

Call us! 972-900-9762