Wondering if your swimming pool even has a leak?
Some water loss is expected and normal. Evaporation, wind and splashing can cause up to 1/4" to 1/2" loss of water per day in the summer and 1/8" to 1/4" per day in the winter.
You can perform a simple test called the "Bucket Test" to help determine if your pool has a leak.
- Bring the water in the pool to a normal operating level.
- Fill a bucket (5 gallon recommended) with pool water to within about 1 inch of the top.
- Place the bucket on the top pool step.
- Mark the level of the water on the INSIDE of the bucket (with tape, a sharpie pen, etc.).
- Turn the pool pump (and any autofill) off.
- Mark the level of the water on the OUTSIDE of the bucket (with tape, a sharpie pen, etc.).
- Turn the pool pump back on. (Leave the autofill off until the test is complete.)
** Do not use the pool for 24 hours **
- After 24 hours, compare the two water levels: has the water in the pool gone down more than the water in the bucket?
- Yes - your pool probably has a leak.
- No - your pool probably does not have a leak; water loss is due to normal pool conditions/activities.
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